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title. eternal return

date. 29/09/2017

city. sofia, bulgaria

photo credit. ivan donchev


My installation and durational performance “Eternal Return” inspired of “Eternal Recurrence” that was addressed by Friedrich Nietzsche..

The human being is trapped at an eternal cycle of routine and is unable to give meaning to existence. It seems that the body repeating this action for eternity. It is a common and mechanical behavior. Always, the person wants to leave but never seems to be able. The body - person is imprisoned in time.Where is the identity in a world in which everything is uncertain?

The mechanical movement creates remission and a vicious circle in which the consciousness remains trapped. The only solution in order to escape from the mechanical movement, the remission and the vicious circle is the disenchantment, because otherwise the situation will be repeated in vain, vapidly and perpetually.

Time is presented as an entirely existential force that characterizes my performance outlook on the nature of life and the meaning of existence. The above chess game raises different questions about being and suffering. The audience become aware of the absurdity of life and has to face the hopelessness to give meaning to existence.  It is a dilemma that raises different questions about being.



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