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title. non human

date. 2016

city. thessaloniki

photo credits. alexandros plomaritis


Contemporary art mirrors contemporary life. An artist is able to embody unconventional, to the art practice, materials coming from various disciplines and sources in order to generate an art work. These materials combined with his/her personal experiences and reflections can lead to genuine work of art. Today’s performance human art is like an animal’s uterus. In this womb three basic steps take place: conception, gestation, parturition. After that a new life is born.

The deep understanding of all not-human manifestations via archetypal or other rituals is possible to create performances that restore human relations and regain our contact with natural roots.

In my performance: “NON HUMAN” that took place in a livestock farm, I alter myself between the human and non-human, experiencing the diversity of expressions and feelings. The heifers are either the object of my exploitation or we are both part of it.

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